Frank Solivan & Dirty Kitchen

Frank Solivan and his band Dirty Kitchen came to do a quick session with us before heading on down that ol’ dusty road, and they sounded fantastic! In addition to being  just all-around great guys, they are some fiery pickers to boot! Have a listen to this session and go see them when they come to your town!

Here’s some killer pickin’ from this excellent band:

Murry Hammond



Murry Hammond recently stopped by the studio to record a session with us. We talked a lot about old punk rock music and DIY shows, about the Central Texas punk and hardcore scene, and about his family. Murry loves his kids, and like the proud father he is, he loves to talk about them. We swapped stories and talked for awhile. Murry had just played a big gig in town and we wanted him to be able to have a little fun instead of just getting right down to business. He’s a very warm and welcoming Southern gentleman, and a pleasure to shoot the breeze with.

I’ll admit that I’ve been living under a rock because I have never really listened to Murry’s band, the Old 97s. I’ve had plenty of friends who were big fans and talked about them over the years, I just never got around to exploring them. It took me years to finally get around to Tom Waits and we all know how that turned out, so it’s nothing against the boys. My buddy El Demento, who set up this recording session, told me to check out Murry’s music. I looked him up on Grooveshark and found his solo album. I listened to it several times the day of the session we did with him, and was very impressed. There is a clarity and stillness in his songs which reminds me of spending Summers in Wimberley, TX growing up. They take me back to when life was simpler, and more cut-and-dry. I’m not really sure how to express my feelings other than that.

Please check out Murry’s solo album called “I Don’t Know Where I’m Going But I’m On My Way”. If you’re the type of person who reads this blog, I can confidently promise you that you WILL very much love this album.

Here’s a link to our recording session. You can stream or download everything for free. Thank you for listening!